We believe everyone has skills and talents that are yet to be unearthed. Our learning draws these out AND builds the desire to do something useful with it.


The wheels of business are turning at warp speed which means you need nimble leaders who can adjust, drive and accelerate. It’s no good having pyjama scientists as your leaders, talking a good talk. Instead, you need 007 on a mission. Let’s define their new mission – to deliver!
Your budding managers need hit the ground running. First impressions are a sprint followed by the steady footsteps of a marathon. If you want new managers to avoid the pitfalls of trial and error, and stop hiding behind meaningless emails or ill-prepared meetings, then bring us in to ensure they make every moment count.

L&D is one of those jobs you move into, sometimes even by accident. It’s like venturing into the wild without your OS map. They might even have the map but not the skills to read it. L&D is both an art and a science. Qualifications give you what you must do, together with all the models- the science bit. The art bit is much more practical and subtle. We will supercharge your L&D team to get them really rocking by building the why and the how.
Our flagship two-day programme
Our new online programme for those
who want to increase their impact
Often called in when projects aren't going quite as planned, we spot the missing links and offer insight and energy to re-spark the essential connection. Whether it's a merger, restructuring or a new initiative, we will help you get things done.
And if you're in L&D looking for new ideas, fresh thinking or need help learning the way, we are always on hand with support.
Is your learning lacking the je ne sais quoi? Our experts understand what makes learning work (or not). Most learning is focused on content but it’s the learning process that carries that content. As masters in their field we instantly spot where energy needs to be changed, where the mindset needs to be elevated or action developed so that people make change happen. Not only that we always have a creative idea to bring novelty and difference to your learning solution. We can design it from scratch or cast a critical friend’s eye over what you have already. If you want any piece of learning to pack a bigger punch, then give us a call.
It’s easy to get lost, stale or just go through the motions when you are delivering back-to-back, or the same topic over time. Habits slip in that stop us from delivering the high-impact learning that everyone craves. Consider us your guide on the side to offer insight, support and challenge to rekindle your love for what you do so that you can spring into action whatever you are delivering.

...driving curiosity and building a clear sense of purpose...
The team delivered a hugely engaging workshop that included innovative ways of driving curiosity - as early as the individual invites which then continued throughout our time together. The feedback from the team included an increase in energy and motivation, a greater sense of 'team', a clear sense of purpose and a shared desire to deliver learning experiences to the business.
They have an infectious desire to support our business and this has been demonstrated by their ability and willingness to support me and other team members through informal coaching sessions as we progress through our transformation.
Ian Turner, Talent Director